3 February 2012


A lady posted this catchy quotation on her Facebook.

Forget about the pursuit of happiness. That way lies grief. Concentrate on the happiness of pursuit.

This is a quotation from the book "Psychology of Happiness", the author saw this quotation on a poster.

Thumbs up Hi-5* agree with this statement!
Too many times, we get too goal-oriented that we forgot to smell the roses that God has planted along the way.

This is especially real in relationships. Parents get so sucked into the system of "meritocrazy", kept pushing the kids for results that they miss the innocent fun of childhood. Couples get so engrossed in planning the perfect wedding, end up quarrelling and spoilt the joy of doing things together. Singles get so determined to win the most eligible mate that they kill the romance away.

Meritocracy is an ideology, perfect wedding only happens in fairy tales, eligibility is set by peers and society. Why let someone's ideology, someone's stories, someone's definition affect your pursuit of happiness?

I am not encouraging people to get distracted, go off course or lost direction. When we enjoy the journey, it lightens the stress of winning/losing. The irony is when we enjoy the process, we increase the possibility of winning! Eg: ladies has to enjoy talking with you before she will agree to go on dates with you right?!

All we have to do is take a step back. Breathe. Hear our heart's desire (Hint: usually it is simple, like spending a little quality time with our loved ones). Appreciate whatever we have and enjoy the scenery! Oh.. We might catch the rainbow along the way! J