13 August 2013


7 Ways to Wow-Her

Besides flowers, jewelries and candlelight dinner, are there better ways to show our affection to our beloved girl? Here are 7 suggestions to make her feel loved, treasured and special.

Laugh together, not at her. Do not insult her intelligence, size or abilities, especially in front of others.

Be excited about her passion, her interest and her joys.

When she shares her feelings; listen and empathize with her. Hug her when she needs to be comforted. Avoid interrupting her to provide solutions until she is receptive and ask you for it.

Give her the respect as your partner. Treat her better than the others. Protect her from being hurt by others.

For couples that stay together, do put in the effort to clean up the mess and help out in household chores before she request you to do so.

Stop giving excuses, be sincere to admit mistakes and apologize.

Since she loves you, she will hope the best for you. Consider her suggestions to improve without being defensive. Why let ego prevent you from being a better person and having a deeper relationship?

Hope these 7 E-tips will make your lover glow with love for you and empower your relationship. 
Happy Chinese Valentines Day!