24 December 2021

Xmas 2021


May this Christmas be bright, buoyant and bountiful
for you and your loved ones! 

24 September 2021

Mooncake & Tea Pairing

It is our tradition to give mooncakes to our clients and elderlies to show appreciation during Mid-Autumn Festival. Every year, my family and I are spoilt with varieties of mooncakes. As mooncakes are heartily heavy, we love to brew a pot of fine tea to balance the load, aid digestion and enhance the experience.

Below is Classic list Formulas for Matching Mooncakes with Tea:

Green Tea  Any sweet (i.e., lotus paste or yam mooncakes)

Pu'er  Savory (i.e., salted egg york mooncakes)

English Tea  Sweet (i.e., fusion sweet mooncakes)

Oolong Tea – Savory or nutty (5 nuts mooncakes) My family and I loves the Nanyang Tea series.

Cold Brew Carbonated Tea  – Cold Desserts (Snow skin mooncakes)

6 July 2021

How to Deal with Nasty Client?

Having heard many bad customer experience from my peers and having met a few ridiculous clients myself; I decided to write this video script. I paid an animator to do this video to create awareness about the bad behaviors of some terrible clients.  

Have you met nasty clients like this? How did you react?

Every business have bills and employees to pay. If companies are squeezed dry, it will collapse! Livelihood of the staffs and their families will be affected. In tough times like pandemic, be kind. Support businesses by ensuring they have enough to survive.

As a boss or leader, protect your employees by saying no to unjustified rude demands of bad customers. By doing so, you gain respect from both the staffs and clients.

5 April 2021

Creative Dating

This is a short extract from the free webinar Creative Dating which was held in February. It was recorded over Zoom.

In this video, I shared on how my dad date my mum when they are mobile. Some of the viewers asked for more of these fun and affordable date ideas which is suitable for young and mature. They can be found in my ebook Can't Stop Dating, available for sale at https://amzn.to/3tm8bJL.

5 February 2021

Cant' Stop Dating

This is my first time as a book author! It was published 3 days ago. Fresh from the stove! 💖

Thank God I manage to complete it before Valentines day. It will be very useful for couples looking for Valentines Date ideas. Very excited to share this book to all of you!!! 😊😊 

 Can't Stop Dating ebook

Usual price US$ 5.99. Now 0.99!

This ebook is available for sale at Amazon US https://amzn.to/3tm8bJL 
Discount is valid till 14th February 2021. Get it now! ☝

There are a total 52 dating activities suggested in this book.10 of the activities are catered for cyber space; suitable for couples in long-distance relationship or quarantine. These fun couple activities will last you for an entire year when you date once weekly. I have added matching conversation starters to go with each activity. To prevent conversations from running dry, I have also included a chapter on Conversation Sparklers which has 85 conversation topics to get both you and your date interacting on a personal or deeper level. With so many cues in this compact book, there will be no dull moments during your dates! 💖

Besides the checklist of romantic date ideas, this book also equips you with the heart ware for dating through:

• tips for singles who are planning their first date

• relationship tips on good communication for both singles and couples

Please check it out 👉 https://amzn.to/3tm8bJL 

Note: Kindle books can be read via Kindle App for PC/iOS and the Kindle Cloud Reader via web browser. The Kindle app is free software that you can download to your computer.

30 January 2021

Indoor Date Ideas

Thankful for the internet, lock down is not so unbearable after all. Couples who are stuck at home could try these free resources available online for fun couple activities time. For couples who are in long distance relationship or quarantine, try these to curb the longing as well!  

I have included Conversation Starters to match the activities. They keep your date engaging, fun and memorable! Let the cyber date nights begin 💕

Online Game Night.
Play Taboo, Boogle or Rummy - just don’t use software to try and cheat to win (unless it makes the game more fun!) 😄 

💬 Conversation Starters: 

a. What was your favorite game when you were a kid? Mine was anything that involved pizza before playing.

b. Have you ever played Pictionary? Do you like it? All of my pictures seemed to look like a stick figure with a crown that was for some reason on fire. 😂

Screen capture of Youtube

Virtual Travel
Watch scenic videos together in high 4K or 8K resolution in Youtube. Some videos even offer 360view. Now we can finally see what the world looks like from on top of Mt. Everest! 👀

💬Conversation Starters: 

a. Where would you travel if you could go anywhere in the world? Maybe I’m lazy, but I think I’d choose my couch - to watch Netflix. 😆

b. What do you think it’s like in Antartica? I’m not positive, but I bet it feels a lot like how cold my shower is in the morning. 💦

Photo by marymarkevich -Freepik.com

Write a song for someone
Too hard to write a song? Get AI to help. You could be the next Lil’ Wayne or Garth Brooks...or maybe even Lil’ Garth!

💬Conversation Starters:

a. If you could have a celebrity write a song about you who would it be? How fun would it be to have a country song about you! 💞

b. If someone wrote a rap diss song about you...what would they say? I think people would pick on my ridiculous date night ideas. 😆

These are 3 of the romantic date ideas I have written for my ebook. This is my first book. I am so looking forward to share with you! Let you know here once it is published.

Stay home, stay safe, stay happy!